Speculative Spotlight: Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson speculative spotlight featured image

Today we’re shining the speculative spotlight on Mark Johnson, author of The Renegade Within, an epic science fantasy novel entered into this year’s Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off.

Welcome to the Fantasy Inn, Mark! How are you and how have you been?

Busy! I’m releasing a total of two magnets and four main sequence books this year. It’s my first time releasing and it’s exciting.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what types of stories you write?

Former high school English teacher from New Zealand. I’m writing a series: FireWall. Non-YA Epic Fantasy with elements of dark fantasy and sci-fantasy.

Pick three books: One that is the most memorable to you as a reader, one that had the greatest influence on your writing career, and one that you just love.

Most memorable: Hyperion. I’m not one of those types to cry at a book. This and its sequel are the only books to ever make me cry.

Greatest influence: The Wheel of Time. The journey was greater than the destination. But what a journey!

One I just love: 2312. I’ve never had my imagination fired as I have from this book. It’s been 8 years and I can’t get it out of my head.

How did you first fall in love with the fantasy genre?

A friend at school loaned me David Eddings’ ‘The Diamond Throne’. Until that moment I hadn’t even known the fantasy genre existed! The rest, as they say, is history.

What made you want to become a writer?

I have to put my thoughts down somewhere, and writing scratches that itch.

Do you have any fun hobbies you’d like to share?


Tell us about the book you entered into SPFBO this year!

FireWall Series: The Renegade Within.

Series Premise: A disgraced paladin is placed in charge of defending a god’s life. She ends up becoming a demi-god in the process.

Book Premise: Paladin covering up a secret project discovers her superiors are hiding a worse project from the entire organization.

The Renegade Within cover art

Pick this up if you like the works of Sylvia Mercedes or Steve McHugh.

How did you acquire the cover art for your book?

Christian Bentulan: A legend.

Why this particular story, of all the stories you could have written?

I wanted to tell a story of Gods and mortals, angels and demons.

What key takeaways do you hope readers walk away from your book with?

That my protagonist has lived a lifetime within the three years that the series follows her.

Why did you enter SPFBO? What are you hoping to get out of the competition?

I’m hoping to find some works similar to my own, and see a bit more of what’s going on in indie fantasy atm.

Which do you enjoy most: outlining, drafting, or editing?

I like drafting the dialogue. I love it the most. A close second comes editing.

What does your outlining/drafting/editing process look like?

Series premise. Book premises. Plot point juggling. 3-act structure premises. Dialogue, then description then editing.

Advice you wish you could give to your earlier self when you were first starting to write?

Don’t do that stupid Masters’ degree.

What has been the best business decision you’ve made for your writing career?

Leaving my former company and starting on my own.

What does a typical writing day look like for you?

Admin in the morning, writing in the evening.

What are you working on right now?

Books 5 and 6 in my series. The last two books!

What other projects can we expect from you in the future?

Once the series is done, I’m thinking about space fantasy.

Thank you for stopping by the Inn, Mark!

Mark Johnson author photo

About Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is a former English teacher, living in Auckland, New Zealand. He writes fantasy because it’s the best way of telling the truth, without telling the truth.

Website: www.markjohnsonauthor.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/markjohnsonauthor

Author: Travis

Lover of all things fantasy, science fiction, and generally geeky. Forever at war with an endless TBR and loving every moment. Host of the Fantasy Inn podcast.

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