Episode 30: Audiobooks

Books on tape have been around for half a century, but audiobooks have exploded in popularity in the last decade. What is the appeal of the audio format? Which books and narrators do we enjoy the most? And does listening to an audiobook even count as reading?

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Author: Travis

Lover of all things fantasy, science fiction, and generally geeky. Forever at war with an endless TBR and loving every moment. Host of the Fantasy Inn podcast.

1 thought on “Episode 30: Audiobooks

  1. Nice podcast. I have been listening to audiobooks since the 1980s. Checking out a suitcase full of Cassettes from the library and using my Walkman. I would add the narrator of the Expanse Series Jefferson Mays . As for authors who do a good job reading their own books, I will add Mur Lafferty Six Wakes and Emma Newman’s Planetfall Series . Also my favorite book of 2019, A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World was read by the its author C.A. Fletcher. . Single POV books are the easiest to listen to, Time Travel books the hardest. I believe the more you listen to audio books, your brain gets molded to the task .

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