Devin’s Semifinalist [SPFBO]

Semifinalist announcement – Devin

Finally, after all these weeks, here we are. It’s time to announce the semifinalist from my batch! To recap, the six books I ended up with were:

– Ascendant by Michael R Miller (cut)

– Prophecy of Convergence by Shannon Pemrick (cut)

– By the Skies by J.E. Mueller (cut)

– Lamp of Light by Alex H Singh (cut)

– Breakaway by Dezarea Dunn

– Reign and Ruin by J.D. Evans

As one can see from this list, I cut four out of the six during the reviewing stage, leaving me with two options for my choice of semifinalist—Breakaway, and Reign and Ruin. You can find links to my full reviews of them HERE and HERE, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.

I thoroughly enjoyed both of these books and intend to read on with both series, but in the end one had a stronger overall plot and intricate world building that elevated it that one step above. And so my semifinalist pick for SPFBO7 is…

Click here to reveal the answer!

Congratulations! Thank you both for entering, I thoroughly enjoyed having your books in my batch!

Author: The Fantasy Inn

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