It has been far too long since our last episode of Common Room Conversations, but we’re back! Again!
For those of you unfamiliar with this format, basically the premise is that we pick a theme, pull a bunch of cool authors into a chat server, and shoot the shit for an hour or so before packaging it up as “content”. It’s relaxed, it’s very informal, and it’s always a lot of fun!
This time round we’re going to be talking about one of the most beloved character archetypes in the fantasy genre — Thieves! As always, we got talking with some amazingly talented authors. Gollancz was kind enough to put us in touch with Christopher Buehlman (The Blacktongue Thief) and M.J. Kuhn (Among Thieves) — both of whom were happy to chat about heists, general thievery, and a ‘lil bit of murder.

If you’re a big thieves-in-fantasy fan and you’ve never read Among Thieves or The Blacktongue Thief… well, you should definitely give them a look. I’ll give some more details on those books at the tail-end of this post, but first let’s see what our guests had to say!
M.J. Kuhn
Hello hello!
Christopher Buehlman
Oh hey! I think you guys both slid in at exactly the same time there, haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Haha we planned it. Just kidding.
Christopher Buehlman
Synchronicity for the win!
M.J. Kuhn
A promising start!
I’m seeing some of that labelmate chemistry already, haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Haha right! the magic of being publisher siblings!
Ooh okay before we start chatting nonsense in earnest then, is everything alright on your ends regarding typing, or speech-to-text, and so forth?
Christopher Buehlman
Yeah, I think it’s going to work just fine. Thanks.
M.J. Kuhn
I think so! 😄
Awesome! Also, congrats MJ on being the 11th bestseller last week!
Christopher Buehlman
M.J. Kuhn
And ahh thank you! I’m still half expecting someone to call and tell me it was a mistake, lol.
You mean someone accidentally double tapped that ‘1’ key?
M.J. Kuhn
Ha!! Now that is a mistake I would gladly welcome!
Christopher Buehlman
Seriously, Congratulations; that’s wonderful.
It really is!
M.J. Kuhn
Thanks so much! It’s legitimately all thanks to our wonderful Gollancz friends who are publishing superheroes!!
Christopher Buehlman
I am pretty impressed with them so far myself.
M.J. Kuhn
Right! Fastest email responses in all of publishing, I’m convinced haha! They’re amazing.
Christopher Buehlman
Especially given the time zone handicap.
Oh man. That makes me feel bad for the number of times I’ve taken days to get back to Will’s emails, haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Hahaha I mean, in your defense, “days” is still quite fast in this lovely industry that moves at the speed of cold molasses! 😄
Haha! I guess we’ll segue from there into some thieves-y fantasy talk!
Christopher Buehlman
MJ, what is the pub date for AMONG THIEVES?
M.J. Kuhn
Love it! Yes, THIEVES just came out two weeks ago today! 9/7! 9/9 in the UK! Which was convenient because then I didn’t have to learn to put the date first since it’s the same as the month lol
Christopher Buehlman
Now I know that asking for the “inspiration” behind a book is usually a boring interview question. But I always think that when it comes to books with thieves and heists, it’s a bit different just due to HOW MANY potential points of inspiration there are.
With the HUGE number of heist movies, crime novels, video games etc, do you guys think you took anything from those avenues into your books?
M.J. Kuhn
Oh 100%! Some of it was intentional inspiration, other parts I didn’t even notice I’d taken inspiration from until readers started saying things like “I can really see your love of Assassin’s Creed in this book” haha.
Christopher Buehlman
Not overtly. I mean, Kinch is small and good with a knife, which is pretty generic thief stuff, going back to the seminal Baggins troublemaker.
I do think I pulled some influence from adolescent dungeons and dragons games, though. Thieves were my favorite characters to play. Although I usually dungeon mastered.
M.J. Kuhn
Hahaha okay but Kinch is not your mama’s hobbit thief! He is so snarky and amazing I adore him.
Christopher Buehlman
Thanks! His gallows humor is the lubricant for the dark, dark world he has to show us.
There’s a great point there about just how embedded the whole thief archetype is in the fantasy genre too, huh? Going right back to Bilbo as you say, or the likes of Gray Mouser, early D&D, etc.
Christopher Buehlman
And, MJ, I apologize, but you have me at a disadvantage here. I didn’t realize your book was out yet, and I should’ve gotten the audio – I’m a slow reader and don’t have much reading time to start with, so I’ve only just started in with Ryia and company.
M.J. Kuhn
You are totally good! I had a few month’s lead time on ya there for sure!
But yes, fantasy has always had some awesome avenues for thieves and rogues! There is something so compelling about a character who is just kind of a terrible person in a lot of ways, and I think them living in a world different from our own lets readers forgive some of those behaviors, you know?
Christopher Buehlman
M.J. Kuhn
Like, if Ryia was running around New York City chopping off fingers people might be less likely to be like “this chick’s alright”.
Christopher Buehlman
Depends on the decade. In the 1970’s it might have been legit.
M.J. Kuhn
Haha, the bevy of true crime docs centered around that time may prove you right there.
Christopher Buehlman
“Keep away from the bitch with the axes on the six train.”
M.J. Kuhn
Christopher Buehlman
“If she says I want your digits, run.”
M.J. Kuhn
Hahaha okay I just genuinely snorted in my office.
Christopher Buehlman
“Maybe she just looks mean. Ask her if she has a cute nickname.”
M.J. Kuhn
Haha and then it gets SO MUCH WORSE from there!
Christopher Buehlman
“Wow…is ‘Butch’ ok?”
Can’t wait to find out!
Haha I’m just kinda enjoying the chaos atm, sorry! 😂
M.J. Kuhn
Hahah yes! Let me know what you think when you finish reading! Unless you hate it. Then don’t tell me lol.
And yesss I mean we are fantasy writers with a penchant for thieves – chaos was inevitable!
Christopher Buehlman
Glory unto cowshit.
There’s a really interesting point to consider in there though! How the worlds that you guys build inform what needs stealing, by whom, and why.
I guess Ryia is working through some issues via axe murdering. And Kinch just kinda needs to pay his student loans.
M.J. Kuhn
Hahah yes! Okay legitimately when I have been telling people they need to read BLACKTONGUE THIEF I tell them basically it’s a thief who owes student loans and it’s amazing
Christopher Buehlman
If he didn’t, he’d still be lifting silver owlets and swiping rings in barfights.
And thanks for spreading the love.
M.J. Kuhn
Absolutely! But yes, I think in order for a thief character to be lovable, at least some of the people they’re thieving from have to be less so.
At least in most cases!
It really is such a great and oddly relatable concept though! Need a massive far-reaching unlikeable organisation? Student loan collectors. Sorted.
M.J. Kuhn
Every millennial instantly said “This Kinch dude GETS ME.”
Christopher Buehlman
You’re right! The social messaging was really a happy byproduct – the debt was the first thing I came up with in the guild’s many scams to wring every copper shave out of everyone.
There’s something there I’d like to explore a little bit, actually! MJ, you said about the “marks” of a given theft having to be unlikeable. How do you guys balance that with also having the bosses of your characters be a bunch of unlikeable shits, too?
Cos I guess neither of you are going the Locke Lamora route of having a nice happy loveable criminal family, haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Hahah right! As much as I do love the Locke Lamora route!
Christopher Buehlman
True! And Kinch is rarely lucky enough to be in a bloodless scam. But he’s more a burglar than a confidence man.
M.J. Kuhn
I think it’s fun to play with the bounds of what makes a character “unlikeable,” honestly. I’m sure some readers will think some of my characters are just unforgiveable assholes! I like my characters deeply flawed and borderline TERRIBLE, both when I’m reading and writing. But with like, a tiny little wink that there’s some good in there.
That needs to be coaxed out, maybe.
I guess there’s FUCK THAT GUY unlikeable, and then there’s “oh okay this guy is FUN” unlikeable, huh? 😂
M.J. Kuhn
Haha exactly! My personal requirements for me to like a character is that they need to be INTERESTING. Even if they are The Worst, as long as I get stoked when they show up on the page, I’m in.
Christopher Buehlman
One of Kinch’s saving graces is that he actually isn’t looking to hurt anyone if he can help it. He doesn’t want to ambush Galva in the opening scene, but he’s ordered to. He does willingly go after a brigand group, but only because they’re killers.
I think he’d come off very differently if he were bloodthirsty.
M.J. Kuhn
Yesss Kinch has a secret heart of gold inside that thieving body of his.
Bloodthirsty Kinch would likely be the subject of a horror film, I think, with his skillset haha
Christopher Buehlman
Right? I can’t wait to find out more about the butcher.
M.J. Kuhn
Yeah she’s bloodthirsty af not going to lie, lol.
I mean not really! She’s… complicated haha.
But the nickname of The Butcher of Carrowwick is. Well-earned.
Christopher Buehlman
Kinda guessed that from her handle. 😂
M.J. Kuhn
I mean what’s a little implied genocide between a main character and her reader, really? I forgive her.
Christopher Buehlman
“Carrowwick” is a delightfully evocative place name.
M.J. Kuhn
Thank you!! It is very fun to say out loud which is why I settled on it when naming the city! 😄
But yes, I too forgive Ryia. She is my murderbaby and I love her.
Christopher Buehlman
I have a black cat on my lap as I type this. I understand.
M.J. Kuhn
OH MAN cat break: what is your cat’s name?
Christopher Buehlman
We call her murder-floof.
Cat break is in session.
M.J. Kuhn
Hahaha cat breaks have been the best thing about zoom calls the past 16 months.
And oh my god she has a person name?! I’m obsessed.
Christopher Buehlman
That’s what’s on her drivers license
Oh man I knew a guy who called his cat “Graham”, and I’ve been obsessed with that story ever since.
Christopher Buehlman

M.J. Kuhn
Oh my gosh I see the murder and the floof both on display in this photo. AMAZING.
She is gorgeous!
Christopher Buehlman
I think so too.
M.J. Kuhn
I would say she should meet my cat, but Thorin Oakenshield wasn’t named after a v territorial character without reason haha!
Segueing out from murderous family members… what about found families?
Christopher Buehlman
M.J. Kuhn
A+ segue
Christopher Buehlman
I gotta say I LOVE how Among Thieves and Blacktongue both have that group of odd people coming together and needing each other!
M.J. Kuhn
Yes! It’s one of my can’t-resist tropes in fiction! I adore a good found-family.
Christopher Buehlman
I agree. Your Locke Lamora example is perfect. Jean & Locke and Chains, Calo & Galdo and Bug. You could read their teasing and fucking about forever.
M.J. Kuhn
Christopher Buehlman
I really enjoyed exploring the dynamic between a thief and, basically, a paladin.
Thieves are just so much better with a group behind them, right? I guess even going back to the D&D example from earlier. If we’re gonna have wit, we need an audience!
Christopher Buehlman
M.J. Kuhn
Yes! Well, you have a bit of that in Blacktongue too, in a sense! With the dynamic between Galva and Kinch.
I guess I kind of do as well, with Ryia and Evelyn.
It’s nice to have an exasperated, upstanding person who is Sick of Their Shit, lol
Christopher Buehlman
I just met Evelyn as she got drummed out of her Captaincy. Damn shame, that!
M.J. Kuhn
Hahah yes! She’s about to have. A Bad Time.
Buckle up, lol
Christopher Buehlman
I guessed as much!
I actually really, really love Ivan, too, for a similar reason, haha! He’s totally at the point where it’s like “I guess we’re doing this again”.
Sick of Their Shit vs Resigned to Their Shit.
Christopher Buehlman
And re: sick of their shit: “Brown Magic.”
M.J. Kuhn
Haha yes! And yeah, Ivan is basically the embodiment of “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Without actually being that old lol.
Christopher Buehlman
Have you guys read Peter McClean?
Oh yes! I love Peter’s books.
Christopher Buehlman
I just finished Priest of Gallows, eager to watch him take the series home in book 4.
Really good crime family, found family stuff in there too. Love their extremely British vulgarisms. Definitely preferred the audiobook on that one.
Oh yeah he’s another writer who really plays with the whole idea of “how far can my characters slide before they become irredeemable.”
Christopher Buehlman
M.J. Kuhn
I have not had the pleasure of reading this series yet but I definitely need to check it out!
Sounds like it has all my favorite story elements!
We’ve only got about 15 minutes left, so I’m gonna try and shift to some “fun” questions. (Though would be happy to go that extra half hour if it works for both of you)
Christopher Buehlman
I dealt with that question in a non-Thief character in my historical fiction horror novel about the Black Death, Between Two Fires. We meet the knight Thomas just as he is doing a dead cat bounce from the moral low of brigandage. We meet him just as he decides he’s not going to tolerate the leader’s penchant for preying on women anymore.
M.J. Kuhn
Sounds like a solid thing not to tolerate any longer!!
And yesss my schedule is fairly open, so I could go late, but also would totally be game for fun questions!
Christopher Buehlman
And definitely.
I guess my next question kinda ties into what you were saying there, Christopher! Have either of you got any books / movies / games / etc that you’d like to shout about along the lines of thieves, heists, or any of those related themes we’ve touched on?
M.J. Kuhn
Like other media we are fans of?
M.J. Kuhn
In this awesome subgenre? Awesome!
SO. MANY. lol. Obviously Locke Lamora which we’ve discussed, and Six of Crows. I also just read Foundryside, which was fantastic and centered around a roguish main character that I really enjoyed!
Games-wise, I already mentioned my love for Assassin’s Creed. The Styx games are also pretty darn fun, if stressful lol.
Christopher Buehlman
I enjoyed Six of Crows. I hadn’t realized it was YA until I stopped and thought “why are teenagers beating everyone’s ass?”
I guess Zelda counts a little too, if you squint, huh? All those vases broken for rubies…
M.J. Kuhn
Haha! I will never leave a vase unbroken. This I solemnly vow as an avid Zelda player.
And yesss I definitely think SoC walks that line between Adult and YA really well.
So that folks in both camps can find something to love there.
The Shadow & Bone showrunners definitely made the right call bringing the crows into the show, too.
M.J. Kuhn
I have heard so many good things! I still need to watch the show! I’m so behind haha
Christopher Buehlman
I really like Michael McClung’s Amra Thetys books, of which I’ve read two. Really earthy, funny, small-scale. I like small-scale. I think the world gets tired of being saved.
M.J. Kuhn
Yes! Agreed. As much as I do love giant sweeping stakes, a solid small-scale fantasy is priceless.
Ooh Michael writes some really enjoyable books! And he’s a really nice guy into the bargain.
Christopher Buehlman
I’m not surprised. Humorless people can’t write funny books, and I don’t think unkind ones can write stories with genuine heart.
Humorless and unkind being my least favorite traits. Not in that order.
M.J. Kuhn
Those are two traits that make it very hard to get long with someone, for me haha. So I agree. But that is awesome to hear that he is a nice guy – I love when successful people are also just like solid humans.
Gives some faith in the world haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Christopher Buehlman
Ryia and Kinch are now stuck together, and need to rob a joint. How well are they getting on?
Ideally, no murdering
M.J. Kuhn
Lol!! Okay I legitimately think they would get along. But like, in a bickery sort of way. As long as nothing too murdery happened, of course.
Christopher Buehlman
Ohhh, I don’t know Ryia that well yet…but Kinch is used to kill-y people. If he can forge a rough truce with Sesta, he can do it with anyone. He’s never the best fighter, so getting along with those who are is a prime directive – unless they go too far, or he sees that it’s just not going to work out.
M.J. Kuhn
Right, I feel like Kinch would fit in with the Saints of the Wharf in general. Self-preservation is the name of the game in the Lottery and Kinch is very skilled in that!
Now, I think Galva and Ryia would tear one another’s heads off. Perhaps literally.
Christopher Buehlman
You may be right!
There’s a fight I’d pay to see!
M.J. Kuhn
With Galva’s secret [SPOILER], I think she’s kicking Ryia’s ass though. Sorry Ryia.
Christopher Buehlman
It’s not fair when you’ve got a [SPOILER]. But, then, neither is watching your siblings (and everyone else) get murdered by 4-foot-tall humanoids with piraña teeth and advanced battle tactics.
M.J. Kuhn
I mean fair. Galva’s seen some shit.
OOH can we talk about that boat scene in Blacktongue for a second
Christopher Buehlman
I mean, we probably shouldn’t with [SPOILERS] and all. BUT THAT BOAT SCENE!
M.J. Kuhn
You can just redact it out later lol! And then readers will go “WHAT IS THE BOAT SCENE?!!?”
Seriously though the goblins are so menacing, and it was such an engaging (though worrying) scene to have them collide with your characters like that.
M.J. Kuhn
I was very very concerned reading that scene
Christopher Buehlman
I don’t know if either of you have heard the audiobook, but my buddy Andrew sings the songs on it, pretending to be me, and he does a really beautiful version of Lovely, Fit and Gay – the round that’s sung to distract them from [SPOILER].
M.J. Kuhn
Oh man! I will have to check it out – I love audiobooks anyways, but especially when there is an evocative audio element like a song!
Christopher Buehlman
Please do! I polished up a West Irish brogue to perform Kinch. But I sing like a moose being kicked to death. So, stunt double.
M.J. Kuhn
I love it! But yes, that scene was one of the most stressful ones while reading! Also can we talk about the fact that THERE IS A CAT SIDEKICK IN THIS BOOK?!
Fantasy fans, if you are looking for a book with a snarky main character, action, goblins, badass warriors AND A CAT SIDEKICK.
Blacktongue Thief.
Do it.
M.J. Kuhn
I was already won over by the time Bully Boy came into the picture. But if I hadn’t been.
That woulda done it haha
Christopher Buehlman
Yeah. Losing Luther was hard – he passed while I was writing his double.
M.J. Kuhn
Aww I’m sorry to hear that Christopher
M.J. Kuhn
What a beautiful homage though!
For what it’s worth, I think you’ve done a hell of a job making him live forever in some small way
Christopher Buehlman
Yes. It’s great to think that lots of humans will get to meet him, sort of.
M.J. Kuhn
And adore him!
Christopher Buehlman
I’m sending a photo, if the files will compress…
Aw man, don’t crap out on us now, Discord.
(Editor’s Note: Discord crapped out on us. Discord and I are no longer on speaking terms.)
M.J. Kuhn
Haha it’s been doing so well for us so far!
While we’re waiting, MJ, would there any potential animal sidekicks coming in Among Thieves sequels?
He says trying to disguise the fact he’s looking for confirmation of Among Thieves sequels.
M.J. Kuhn
Hahha there are no confirmed sequels at this point! But I definitely would love to revisit the world of Thamorr if I’m given the opportunity! 😄
The Saints have some mischief in them yet!
Gollancz!! We need to talk.
M.J. Kuhn
Christopher Buehlman
Okay, 15 minutes left of our extension! Another fun Q… Have you guys ever stolen anything before, and if so what was it?
And as a follow up… If you had the crew from your books with you, what do you think the most ambitious thing you could reasonably steal in our world would be?
M.J. Kuhn
Haha I accidentally stole a bookmark from a gift shop when I was like, 7 (I legit forgot I was carrying it when we left the store) And I told my mom and we went back to the store and the lady at the counter YELLED at me and I was so afraid lol. Scarred for life.
Christopher Buehlman
A book. From my grade school library. I was like six. Uh-oh…I just realized it was about giants!!!!
M.J. Kuhn
Ha!! Both bookish related thefts! We are such stereotypes.
Christopher Buehlman
I love it! 😂
M.J. Kuhn
And let me think… Okay with the Saints at my back… Assuming Clem is planning this mission and not me… I think we could steal the crown jewels.
Oooh going big!
M.J. Kuhn
Oh yeah, Clem goes big or goes home.
I guess to some degree it’s really convenient that fantasy worlds don’t have CCTV, huh?
M.J. Kuhn
Super true. but also convenient that our world doesn’t have magical supersoldiers, lol
Christopher Buehlman
Kinch would not hang out with me. I’m a wet blanket when it comes to crime. I once had a girlfriend who shoplifted, and it drove me nuts. Although she did steal a really lovely chef’s knife for one birthday that I still have 29 years later. So, I’m not holy or anything.
M.J. Kuhn
😆 Hahah OH we’re supposed to include our real personalities in this scenario? In that case I am definitely going to get murdered by the Saints, lol
And they will cut me out of the job at the end. Italian Job style.
Christopher Buehlman
Hahaha! Kinch with a Pigdenay Low School crew and some Cantrips could get a few good hauls. Not the Crown Jewels, but they’d light up some pawn shops, hit a few rich McMansions, and skin some wallets.
M.J. Kuhn
They’d be livin large!
Christopher Buehlman
He would love a discotheque.
Assuming no one punched him in the face for a drink.
Now I’ve got this mental image of both crews partying in a nightclub.
Christopher Buehlman
There’s a dancer on Instagram under the handle Itsslavic or itsslavik who gives me Kinch vibes. He’s a little tall, though.
M.J. Kuhn
Alright I’ll have to look him up so I can appropriately fancast my theoretical Blacktongue movie in my head.
Christopher Buehlman
Also, young James McAvoy.
M.J. Kuhn
I mean, if you’re trying to say Kinch is hot you can just say that 😉😆
Ooh that’s a fun question to sign off with! Fancasting your characters!
Who’re you going for? And which director, if you keep track of that kind of thing?
Christopher Buehlman
Sibel Kekilli as Galva. (Shae in GOT)
M.J. Kuhn
Omg yes!
Okay I always say Shay Mitchell for Ryia, I think. Also Tom Holland halfway gives me Tristan vibes, but not QUITE. But like, The energy is there, haha.
Christopher Buehlman
Irish actress Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter, now 31) as Norrigal.
Oh I can really see Tom Holland and Evanna Lynch in those roles
M.J. Kuhn
Yesss okay you are better than me at this, Chris lol! Evanna would crush it as Norrigal
Christopher Buehlman
Great questions, Hiu!
(I might have been asked this question before)
We need Clem and Ivan, haha!
M.J. Kuhn
Hahaha I know! Everyone always asks for Ivan! I don’t have a solid answer. I picture him as like, grumpy Thor, but taller. lol.
Hemsworth-hot though, for sure. Ur welcome, man-loving readers.
Well we’re at time now so I’m gonna wrap up all the official talk there!
M.J. Kuhn
Thanks so much for having me in to chat! This has been so fun!
Christopher Buehlman
Thank you both so much!
No worries! I hope it’s been fun for you guys!
M.J. Kuhn
This has been super fun! Most laidback format for an event like this I’ve ever done! I love it!
Christopher Buehlman
You wouldn’t have got another half an hour out of me if it wasn’t 😂
I said in the email but I really do hate how stuffy some interviews can be hahaha. Gotta be room for shitposting and memes
M.J. Kuhn
I completely agree! And I think we satisfied that haha!
Highfive for shitposting!
I love those guys. M.J. and Christopher were so, so fun to talk to, and they write bloody good books as well. Speaking of which… Let’s have a look at some blurbs.

Among Thieves by M.J. Kuhn
Ryia ‘the Butcher’ Cautella has earned her reputation as the quickest, deadliest blade in the city – not to mention the sharpest tongue. But Ryia Cautella is not her real name.
A deadly secret has kept Ryia in hiding, running from city to city, doing whatever it takes to stay one step ahead of the formidable Guildmaster – sovereign ruler of the five kingdoms. But even the most powerful men can be defeated.
One last impossible job is all that stands between Ryia and her freedom – but even the Butcher can’t do it alone. She teams up with the Saints, a crew of uniquely skilled miscreants, smugglers and thieves, to carry off a death-defying heist into the most tightly guarded island in the kingdoms – the Guildmaster’s stronghold.
Unfortunately for Ryia, her new allies are all planning betrayals of their own . . .
This is one of those cases where I have a slight bone to pick with this blurb, because I’m not entirely sure it accurately conveys what kind of book this is. While the above does describe Ryia’s character (and while Ryia is awesome), there’s so much more to this one. Among Thieves has so much fun with the tropes and archetypes that come with the fantasy thieves subgenre, and this is a high-action, balls-to-the-wall book with clever, colourful characters, and some slight found family feels. I seriously loved the character cast in this one. If you want action, banter, and some folks stealing shit, read Among Thieves.
Add Among Thieves on Goodreads, or buy it from, Amazon, The Broken Binding, or other retailers.
The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman
Kinch Na Shannack owes the Takers Guild a small fortune for his education as a thief, which includes (but is not limited to) lock-picking, knife-fighting, wall-scaling, fall-breaking, lie-weaving, trap-making, plus a few small magics. His debt has driven him to lie in wait by the old forest road, planning to rob the next traveler that crosses his path.
But today, Kinch Na Shannack has picked the wrong mark.
Galva is a knight, a survivor of the brutal goblin wars, and handmaiden of the goddess of death. She is searching for her queen, missing since a distant northern city fell to giants.
Unsuccessful in his robbery and lucky to escape with his life, Kinch now finds his fate entangled with Galva’s. Common enemies and uncommon dangers force thief and knight on an epic journey where goblins hunger for human flesh, krakens hunt in dark waters, and honor is a luxury few can afford.
The Blacktongue Thief was one of the most highly regarded releases from this Spring/Summer. And it’s pretty clear why that is — it’s a load of fun! With a sarcastic, hilarious narrative voice, and a main character you can’t help rooting for (even if he is a bit of a shit at times), I had a blast with this one. It manages to be consistently funny while always feeling like there’s a weighty story behind the jokes. I mean, Robin Hobb called it “dazzling”, so that says more than I ever could.
Add The Blacktongue Thief on Goodreads, or buy it from, Amazon, the Broken Binding, or other retailers.
For more author interviews, check out our podcast, or check out previous episodes of Common Room Conversations below:
Episode Number | Guests | Topic |
1 | John Gwynne & Miles Cameron | Weapons in Fiction |
2 | C.L. Clark, Tasha Suri, and Shelley Parker-Chan | Sapphics Rise, Empires Fall |
3 | Gareth Hanrahan, Jackson Ford, RJ Barker | Sh*t Hits the Fan |
4 | C.L. Polk, Freya Marske, Olivia Atwater | Fantasy of Manners |
5 | Devin Madson, E.J. Beaton, Maiya Ibrahim, Sam Hawke | Aussies Destroy the Patriarchy |