Adam’s Semifinalist [SPFBO]

As a guest judge for the Inn this year, I’ve had a great time finding my favourite books out of my batch of six. But only one can become a semifinalist and be reviewed by my fellow judges. So far I’ve eliminated Spirit of Shadow by D.A. Holley, Burning Promise by Thiago d’Eveque and Red Harvest Moon by Miles Hurt (find reviews for the first two HERE and the latter HERE).

That leaves me with (reviews linked):

-The Rave by J.R. Traas (Review)

-Old Bolts by Edward Nile (Review)

-Good Blood by Billy Ketch Allen (Review)

All three of those books kept me reading and brought me into a world and story I enjoyed. But there was one story that stood firmly above the others. It balanced an uncommon plot with a tangible atmosphere, kept me gripped for the length of the book, and above all, made me feel the big emotions that I tend to look for when reading. 

That book, and thus my semi-finalist is….

Click here to reveal the answer!

Congratulations to the semifinalist and commiserations to the other two authors; all three books brought me some excellent reading experiences this year.

Author: The Fantasy Inn

Welcome to the Fantasy Inn, we share our love for all things fantasy and discuss the broader speculative fiction industry. We hope to share stories we love, promote an inclusive community, and lift up voices that might not otherwise be heard.

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