Today we’re shining the speculative spotlight on Phillip Murrell, author of Augury Answered, a flintlock military fantasy novel entered into this year’s Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off.
Welcome to the Fantasy Inn, Phillip! How are you and how have you been?
I’m busy with work (US Army), but I’m relaxed at home. Being an introvert makes this pandemic a bit easier to tolerate than my extroverted friends.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what types of stories you write?
I’m a soldier of eighteen years. I command a battalion of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians. We’re the army’s bomb squad (what The Hurt Locker showed). I’m also a husband and father of three.
I enjoy writing fantasy stories with twists. I have a superhero series, Bystanders, where the reader doesn’t know the main hero’s secret identity. It’s a mystery resolved after book four. I have a zombie comedy, Zombie Walkabout, where people pay to safely (yes, safely) hunt zombies in Australia. My SPFBO entry, Augury Answered, asks the question: What happens when two cultures unite, but each with their own chosen one?
Pick three books: One that is the most memorable to you as a reader, one that had the greatest influence on your writing career, and one that you just love.
Animal Farm is probably the book I’ve read the most. It stays memorable. The Hobbit/LOTR have had the most influence. If I’m being honest, I love re-reading my own work. At least I have one super fan.
How did you first fall in love with the fantasy genre?
I like stories that can’t happen in the real world. The best fantasy stories use magic or super powers. These tales stimulate my imagination the most. An extra bonus is when the best are converted to a visual medium. With today’s special effects, fantasy always stands out.
What made you want to become a writer?
I have a ton of stories I want to experience. When I was on my second deployment to Iraq, I became disappointed in my film options. I decided to buy screenplay software and write my own. From there it was a quick transition to novels. It’s easier to get people to read books than screenplays. Now my mind is spilling with ideas that I haven’t seen used before. I want to share my skewed perspective.
Do you have any fun hobbies you’d like to share?
I’m an adrenaline junkie (hence learning how to defuse bombs). I’ve been skydiving, whitewater rafting, bungee jumping, rock climbing, etc.
Can you share a fun fact about yourself?
I was a hostage in a bank robbery when I worked as a teller. I found it exhilarating. It was only about two minutes and nobody was hurt, but it definitely got my blood pumping.
Tell us about the book you entered into SPFBO this year!
Augury Answered has two cultures unite against an advanced enemy taking over the continent. Each culture has a chosen one. One culture has magic and is similar to the Sioux. The other uses poisons and resemble Vikings. Their enemy has enchanted armor and gun powder. It isn’t an even fight.
Try this if you’re looking for something that’s similar to Mark Lawrence’s Broken Empire series.
Why this particular story, of all the stories you could have written?
It felt like the best fit for the audience.
What key takeaways do you hope readers walk away from your book with?
I hope they enjoy it. I also hope they understand the analogy I’m making.
Why did you enter SPFBO? What are you hoping to get out of the competition?
I hope to get exposure. I’m addicted to discussing my books and hearing opinions.
Which do you enjoy most: outlining, drafting, or editing?
Outlining. I definitely plan out my story long before typing anything. It excites me knowing all the potential and wondering if this story will finally be the one that connects with more than family.
What does your outlining process look like?
I handwrite the key plot points for each chapter. I also define my major characters. Then I put it all into Word in a linear fashion until I finish my rough draft.
Any advice you wish you could give to your earlier self when you were first starting to write?
Don’t get discouraged when hundreds of social media friends only yields a dozen readers. Nobody owes you a purchase or review.
What has been the best business decision you’ve made for your writing career?
Writing the next book. I have six out and one only a few months away.
What does a typical writing day look like for you?
I usually write in the morning. There isn’t anything special. When I have time, I write.
What are you working on right now?
A military sci-fi novel called The Soldiers’ Perspective. I should have it published late November 2020.
What other projects can we expect from you in the future?
Too many to list here. I owe my father a western. I plan on starting a YA urban fantasy after my current work in progress.
Thank you for stopping by the Inn, Phillip!

About Phillip Murrell
I am an active duty army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officer with an MBA. I have been married for fourteen years and have three children who are thirteen, eleven, and nine years old. I love stories in all mediums, including books, comics, movies, and television. I also enjoy high adrenaline activities, such as skydiving, whitewater rafting, and roller coasters. I have published six novels. I also enjoy writing screenplays and teleplays.
Website: https://www.phillipmurrell.com