The Blurb
Be careful what you strive for.
The people won and now Mareth is Lord Protector of Edland. But winning an election is a lot different than governing a country, especially when the empire of Pyrfew is expanding into the Sapphire Sea. In the interests of peace, Mareth must dispatch Alana to Ioth, city of a thousand lights, to convince the ruling merchants to turn their back on the empire. Neenahwi, armed with the knowledge revealed in her coming of age ceremony, desperately wants to determine Pyrfew’s plans and to take the fight to the emperor. But Llewdon, ancient elven emperor of Pyrfew, has had decades to develop his schemes and his agents are embedded in the least expected places. Everything seems to revolve around the disappearance of Jyuth’s master a millennia ago.
Will the heroes of Kingshold be able to survive fire belching ships, strange slimes, sinister doppelgängers, demon dogs, greedy merchants and past vices to lead Edland to safety?
The Cover

Kingshold, Book 1 of The Wildfire Cycle, comes highly recommended by our very own Wol, who listed it in her top 5 best of 2018:
“One of my more recent reads, but so enjoyable and funny that I knew I needed to buy Tales of Kingshold immediately. This was a multi-PoV novel with outstanding characters and worldbuilding, and some wry observational humor. Overall a great debut and I look forward to more.”
Ioth, City of Lights is out June 20th and is available for preorder here!
About the Series
The Wildfire Cycle is a story of characters growing into the best versions of themselves or falling to new depths, it’s about love and loss and about how the decisions of a few can have a catastrophic impact on many. It’s also an adventure; discovering new cities, continents and new cultures, battling strange monsters and demons, exploring new magic systems and hoping that out heroes can win out when the deck is stacked against them.
But it’s also a different approach to story telling that I have chosen.
The books I love have a “tight” story with a clear ending to each installment, but like many other fantasy fans I always want to know more about the world and the characters that inhabit it.
So, taking a leaf out of comic books that have long weaved multiple titles into longer form stories, The Wildfire Cycle will be published with a point five book in between each of the four books in the cycle, as per Tales of Kingshold. Each of these books is essential to the story, covering off key plot points between the books and introducing new characters that will have large parts to play in the overall story.
About the Author
Born in Derby in England, on the day before mid-summers day, David Peter Woolliscroft was very nearly magical. If only his dear old mum could have held on for another day. But magic called out to him over the years, with a many a book being devoured for its arcane properties. David studied Accounting at Cardiff University where numbers weaved their own kind of magic and he has since been a successful business leader in the intervening twenty years.
Adventures have been had. More books devoured and then one day, David had read enough where the ideas he had kept bottled up needed a release valve. And thus, rising out of the self doubt like a phoenix at a clicky keyboard, a writer was born. The Wildfire Cycle is David’s debut series.
He is married to his wife Haneen and has a daughter Liberty, who all live with their mini golden doodle Rosie in Princeton NJ.
David is one of the few crabs to escape the crab pot.